Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm moving on...

I am not a regular blogger. Don't get me wrong, I have much to say on just about any occasion. However, in the recent months and weeks of my life, some less than positive things have been said about me and to me . So, to set the record straight, I wanted to post some FYI for the "fan clubs" of some and the friends of mine who care to know!

I am grateful for all of the relationships and people that are or have been in my life. I have no regrets and no bitterness. I love fully and joyfully and will continue to do so all the days of my life.

I will remember the good times, cherish the great times and let go of the bad times from the past. I look forward to the future with a smile!

I wish only peace to all... for I am lover of life, happiness, truth and of love itself.


Carla Leigh